EQuad News magazine

Used as a multipurpose communications tool by the Princeton University School of Engineering and Applied Science, EQuad News magazine is published twice a year and sent to engineering alumni, prospective undergraduate and graduate students, the greater university community as well as means of attracting foundation and corporate funding for research.

My concept, when I first started designing the magazine in 2005, was to focus the cover on the big ideas, so as to weather the sometimes unpredictable faculty attrition, to better communicate the multidisciplinary nature of the research, and to rally the intellectual community around the ideas that have global impact (as well as to avoid inevitable political issues of who would be featured). The publication rate of the magazine went from quarterly to twice yearly, which meant a cover featuring one faculty member would seem stale very quickly. I work closely with the Princeton Engineering communications team on the cover concepts and have illustrated nearly all of them. I work with them on the production of the inside as well, shepherding the print process and some digital collateral as well.

My relationship with the Engineering School’s communication team is one of the most rewarding because it’s my longest-standing . My former boss, Peter Steiner, taught me always to look at the long game, to gain trust with clients over the span of years so one can design as elegantly, effectively, intelligently, as one chooses.

The identity was designed by Pentagram’s Michael Bierut in 2009.

I’ve been working with the School of Engineering and Applied Science since 2005 and my long-term collaboration with the communications department is my most cherished client relationship.


Editorial illustration


The Charge, Princeton University's Environmental Newsletter